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Manual and semi-automatic benches

Kitting and assembly stations designed to be used by the operator in compliance with the ergonomic and efficiency requirements of the golden zone concept. These benches can be equipped with manual presses, screwdrivers, swivelling readers, testing devices, etc. Manual operations can be indicated by means of guided conduct on the display and assisted by the use of appropriate mechanical devices, as well as collaborative robots capable of operating in close contact with the operator without in any way compromising his safety.


Obblighi informativi per le erogazioni pubbliche: gli aiuti di Stato e gli aiuti de minimis ricevuti dalla nostra impresa sono contenuti nel Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato di cui all’art. 52 della L. 234/2012” e consultabili al seguente link ed inserendo il codice fiscale 02152540726 nel campo di ricerca”