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Sica: specialists in process automation for over 25 years.

SICA in short

Making production processes smoother, focusing strongly on automation and providing customers with turnkey solutions is the mission of SICA.

SICA, with its ever-growing human resources and technical know-how, today produces automatic industrial machines, carrying out study, design, production and installation activities. Its flexibility, acquired know-how and process organisation according to total quality standards make SICA a company totally immersed in the concept of "customer satisfaction".

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incontro cliente

Client meeting

Each project starts with a technical meeting, in person or by teleconference, to gather all the information necessary for a preliminary to gather all the information necessary for a preliminary feasibility assessment and the subsequent development of solutions to be proposed to the customer.

Approvazione tecnica

Technical approval

The solutions identified are presented to the client, describing the peculiarities and technical aspects of each alternative presented, in order to allow an informed selection of the project to be developed.



Following the technical approval received from the customer, the design phase begins with the software modelling of all the machine's components and the simultaneous identification of the commercial hardware to be implemented.



The design is submitted to the customer using 3D models and checked for compliance with the technical requirements of the specific application. After any agreed changes have been made, drawings and diagrams are drawn up.



The construction parts are entrusted to qualified partner workshops and all commercial the procurement of all commercial parts and the implementation of the machine control and management software. At the same time, the electrical panels are produced, and then we gradually move on to assembly, electro/pneumatic wiring and system programming.

Interfaccia web


Following rigorous on-site testing by the customer and subsequent fine-tuning and debugging, immediately after acceptance, the systems are dismantled, shipped and installed at the destination production sites, with subsequent assisted start-up and operator training.

Implementation principles

The principles of efficiency, reliability and maintainability inspire all our design and production activities, which are carried out with the utmost attention to the ergonomics and flexibility of the final product.

We design and manufacture our systems with a particular attention to detail that allows us to provide ergonomic products, easy to maintain and with a pleasant design that fully comply with the essential principles of efficiency, reliability and flexibility that must necessarily characterise products with a high technological content such as the assembly and testing stations and lines we manufacture.

Great challenges

The best guarantee of success for a complex system is to entrust its implementation to a single integrator. The company’s solidity, which has been built up over the years, the appropriate production facilities and the large number of staff available allow us to take on major challenges in terms of both investment and technology, such as large multi-station lines or multi-job projects.

Low Takt Time

In order to guarantee the production volumes required for automation, it is essential to structure the lines, as well as the individual stations, by implementing solutions and components that enable transit and process times to be kept to a minimum.

Automatic type transmissions

The only way to combine two of the most important characteristics required of automation systems, namely flexibility and efficiency, is to design solutions for automatic or semi-automatic transmissions that allow the machine to be retooled without taking time away from production.


Experience in the construction of special machines places SICA in a variety of production areas. They range from automotive to food, pharmaceuticals and packaging.

Examples of our production are robotic handling and inspection islands, assembly and functional test lines, test benches, EOLs and much more.

See the brochure

Manual and semi-automatic benches

Kitting and assembly stations designed to be used by the operator in compliance with the ergonomic and efficiency requirements of the golden zone concept. These benches can be equipped with manual presses, screwdrivers, swivelling readers, testing devices, etc. Manual operations can be indicated by means of guided conduct on the display and assisted by the use of appropriate mechanical devices, as well as collaborative robots capable of operating in close contact with the operator without in any way compromising his safety.

Pallet lines

Assembly and testing lines consisting of several automatic or semi-automatic stations connected together and served by a single transport system by means of travelling pallets. Depending on the complexity and peculiarity of the process, these lines can include automatic pallet change garages, pallet cleaning stations, scrap check bays and anything else necessary for the specific application.

Robotic inspection islands

Stations equipped with vision systems, laser profilometers or other specific sensors mounted on robot wrists, aimed at different types of inspection: checking the presence and correct assembly of components, checking correct wiring, checking oil levels, detecting and checking post-machining dimensions, reading applied, impressed or marked codes, and much more. Each acquisition determines the objective result of the inspection and allows archiving of the images and/or values acquired.

Functional hole plugging benches

Machines equipped with electric or pneumo-hydraulic presses for the automatic plugging of functional holes resulting from the creation of hydraulic circuits inside the base-plates. The high flexibility of the systems allows the holes to be plugged on all faces of the parts and the possibility of machining different models, or adapting to any changes in the part layout, by simply replacing the part positioning tool and acquiring the new positions and dimensions.

Circular assemblies

Multi-station, rotary table stations, capable of reducing times in processes with high productivity and of reducing overall dimensions in in-line production. This solution can be used both for the handling and assembly of small parts and for the management of heavy and bulky components with table plates of 2500 mm diameter and more.

Work with us

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